Economic Value of Achieving Remission organized by KAR Kuwait
Economic Value of Achieving Remission

Start Time
8:00 pm
October 22, 2020
Finish Time
9:00 pm
October 22, 2020
Event Participants

President of Kuwait Association of Rheumatologists (KAR) - Rheumatology Consultant - Mubarak Al-Kabeer Hospital

Vice President of Kuwait Association of Rheumatologists (KAR) -Rheumatology Consultant

Treasurer of Kuwait Association of Rheumatologists (KAR) -Rheumatology specialist -Mubarak Hospital

Member of Kuwait Association of Rheumatology (KAR) -Consultant of Rheumatology

President of Kuwait Association of Rheumatology (KAR) - Consultant Rheumatology - Jaber Al-Ahmad Hospital

President of Kuwait Association of Rheumatology (KAR) Founder of Kuwait Registry for Rheumatic Diseases (KRRD) Rheumatology Consultant, Amiri Hospital

Vice president of Kuwait Association of Rheumatology (KAR) Pediatric Rheumatology Consultant Al-Adan Hospita

Treasurer of Kuwait Association of Rheumatology (KAR) Consultant Pediatric Rheumatism Al Sabah Hospital

President of Kuwait Medical Association(KMA) Member of Kuwait Association of Rheumatology (KAR) Consultant of Rheumatology Al Jahra Hospital

Member of Kuwait Association of Rheumatology (KAR) Consultant of Rheumatology Al Sabah Hospital

Vice president of Kuwait Association of Rheumatology (KAR) Rheumatology Consultant Mubarak –Al Kabeer Hospital

Treasurer of Kuwait Association of Rheumatology (KAR) Rheumatology Consultant, Amiri Hospital

Member of Kuwait Association of Rheumatology (KAR) Rheumatology specialist Mubarak Hospital